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Become a

KY Farm Share Coalition Farm

As demand for workplace CSA voucher wellness programs grows we will accept applications from farms interested in being formally endorsed by the Coalition to participate in the following growing season. Farmers must submit a full application and have an on-farm interview conducted by members of our Farm Endorsement Committee.


The application and interview process is to determine whether the applicant has the skills and resources to consistently provide quality produce and a positive experience for their CSA members. Applicant farms are evaluated on the following grounds: secure land and adequate infrastructure; farm production and management experience; utilize organic and sustainable farming practices; provide high quality marketing and membership services; and an understanding of CSA and value of CSA experience. Additionally, to be considered as a KY Farm Share Coalition endorsed farm, your farm must produce 100% of the CSA items on farm, be certified organic or in transition to organic certification (for produce), have operated a CSA for a minimum of three years and demonstrate an ability to provide a high level of customer service. 


OAK works with employers to set up workplace CSA voucher programs throughout the region. The benefit to employers is that we provide program coordination, voucher management, communication with farmers and wellness support. The benefit to farmers is that we bring new CSA customers to your websites, your farms, your CSA programs and into the world of local and organic food! 


Training & Education

for CSA Farmers



CSA and Farm Business







Publications and Resources

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